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Scripts / Plugins
ZenTools for Maya
Polygon modeling tools for manipulating a mesh using dynamically created NURBS curves and surfaces to distribute vertices and/or UVs, plus some selection tools to complement the workflow.
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RigBox for Maya
This tool is a rig helper. It’s used in Maya to help with control objects and icon creation, and other basic rig construction tasks.
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QuickCollider for Maya
Toolbox for creating simple colliders from selection, to speed up workflow
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OneLiner Simple Renamer Tool for Maya
One line outliner renamer tool. One line is all you need!
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Universal IK FK Switch and Match Tool for Maya
Match poses between IK/FK controls with any Rigg. Define and Store Controls in Node for faster use.
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AdvancedSkeleton6 for Maya
AdvancedSkeleton is a collection of Maya tools for doing character setup
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multi swapper for Maya
Retains the anim keys position in world space and swaps the parenting of that control
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siRename for Maya
For practice, I rewrote in Python and PySide2, the script cometRename.mel by Michael Comet. A nice renaming utility that allows basic Prefix, Suffix, Search & Replace, and Rename & Number methods.
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Free AddNewObjectBySelection for Maya
Tool for create the new object by selection. New object will be created befor, after, beside or by the selection object.
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Simple Print Maya Tool for Maya
This script allows you to easily capture free perspective screenshots from Maya and save the files in the same location as the Maya file. When running the script, a high-quality screenshot of the scene will be generated in the perspective view and automatically saved in the current file folder
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batch FBX Import to OBJ Export for Maya
Import a folder containing FBXs and export everything back to it as OBJs with textures still intact
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Default Controllers for Maya
A simple tool to set selected controllers to their default pose.
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GT Tools for Maya
Free script collection for Autodesk Maya. Lots of tools for rigging, modeling, rendering and more.
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Set Array Attribute for Maya
Script for changing arbitrary attributes of selected objects, position of vertices, CVs, and time/value of keyframes.
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SliceIt XYZ for Maya
SliceIt XYZ will make vertical or horizontal polygon cuts based on the number in the input field.
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