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Coplanar Joint Orient 0.9.0 for Maya (maya script)

Helps rig fingers, arms, legs, etc

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Last Modified:06/18/2024
File Size: 31 KB


Rigging, coplanar, joints

NOTE! For the latest version that should work on modern Maya:
Thanks Ghalban.  I plan on cleaning this up later.

Coplanar joint orient tool 0.9.0

Ilya Seletsky 2015

Maya script to help riggers fix joints with a click of a button and make the animator's job down the pipeline easier.

Great for arms, legs, fingers, etc...

Solves the problem described here in a single click:

Sometimes completely redoing a skeleton is just not an option and this tool will repair broken skeletons.  The tool also makes it easier to create the initial skeleton much easier since you don't have to be as meticulous and careful with every action.

Automatically reorients arbitrary skeletal joint chains so that they are coplanar.  This means the joints will be perfectly aligned and straight when they are bent about their local axis or gimbal mode.

It's also easier to repair axis aligned bones like spines using this tool than it would be to use the built in joint orient tool.  No more fiddling around with up vectors, etc...  All spine bones will face the correct direction in a single click.

Here's the project on github for anyone interested

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