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Scripts / Plugins > Modeling compatible with Maya
Simple Print Maya Tool for Maya
This script allows you to easily capture free perspective screenshots from Maya and save the files in the same location as the Maya file. When running the script, a high-quality screenshot of the scene will be generated in the perspective view and automatically saved in the current file folder
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Set Array Attribute for Maya
Script for changing arbitrary attributes of selected objects, position of vertices, CVs, and time/value of keyframes.
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SliceIt XYZ for Maya
SliceIt XYZ will make vertical or horizontal polygon cuts based on the number in the input field.
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HRot Axis Joint for Maya
This is a simple tool to be able to rotate the bone of our rig so that I have the correct angle.
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Dino_Arrow from curve for Maya
Generates an arrow rig from one or multiple curve selection
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Toggle UV Editor for Maya
A python script that opens the UV editor when a mesh is selected
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Quad Cap Tool for Maya
Fills border edges of polygon cylinder and splits faces into quads.
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Free Maya Script to Randomize Rotation and Scale for Maya
Free Autodesk Maya Script to Randomize Rotation and Scale of selected objects
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Free Maya Shattering/Fracture Tool and more for Maya
Free Autodesk Maya Shattering/Fracture Tools for destruction effects + some useful scripts
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Free Maya Script To Unfreeze Transformations for Maya
The script sets the transformation manipulator to the selected mesh face orientation
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Free Maya Script To Scale Multiple Mesh Shells for Maya
The script is useful for scaling combined meshes with respect to shells centroids
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VR-Plugin 6.0 Trial for Maya
VR-Plugin enables you to work with Autodesk Maya using your Virtual Reality device or Gamepad
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Find and Push Apart intersecting Geos FREE for Maya
A script that finds intersecting geos by bounding box overlap and selects, deletes, or hides them.
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[Easy2Series] Easy2 Displaylayer control for Maya
easy to control multiple displaylayer with single button
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Location Synchronization Tool - TRS_matcher for Maya
get values like translate, rotate and scale from original object to target object in local, world position
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