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subdXY 1.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

Evenly subdivide polygon mesh with a minimum face size

Button download


  • 2020, 2019, 2018

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:
File Size: 1.67 KB



This script is written by Will Anielewicz.
Free to use.
Based on the minimum width distance the script evenly subdivides a polgon mesh running
a series of polyCut in X and Y planes.
The point is to make sure all faces are no larger than the minimum width.
This can siginificantly increase the face count to enable smooth deformation of a polygon mesh.
The selected mesh is duplicated so the original is not modified.

Download the zip archive called
Extract the script file called
Copy the content into a maya python scripteditor

Select the polygon mesh node then run the script.
A GUI will pop open.
Decide the minimum size you want the faces to be by filling in the "polycut min width" value.
(The smaller the number you enter the more faces will result.)
Use the three buttons "subdivide", "retopo", "smooth" in sequence.

The last object the script creates is the result.

Here is a before/after example using the maya nonlinear bend deformer.





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