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Free AddNewObjectBySelection 1.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

Tool for create the new object by selection. New object will be created befor, after, beside or by the selection object.

Button download


  • 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:08/07/2023
File Size: 7.78 KB
This tool is used to create an object relative to a selected object.

The created object can be integrated into the existing hierarchy or be created outside of it.
At the choice of the user, you can use a part or the full name of the selected object in his name.
Designed for riggers, animators and other Maya users.
Supports multi-selection.

If you are working with a reference object, its hierarchy cannot be changed.


How to install or install the update:

  1. Unpack the archive anywhere.
  2. Drag the install.mel file into the Maya window.
    The script will be installed and a button will be added to the current shelf.
    !Therefore, before installation, check which shelf tab you have open at the moment.
  3. Warning: The installation script does not remove the installation files and the archive. You will need to do it manually.


How does it work:

  1. Choose what type of object you want to create (group, locator or joint).
  2. "use namespace" - Select if you want to inherit the namespace of the selected object.
  3. "startCut" - fill in how many characters you want to cut off from the name of the selected object at the beginning.
  4. "endCut" - fill in how many characters you want to cut off from the name of the selected object at the end.
  5. Fill in what you want to see the name of the new object. prefix_root of selected object name_identifier_suffix
  6. Choose where you want to create a new object:
    • "before" - will be the parent of the selected object
    • "after" - will be a child of the selected object 
    • "beside" - will be created next to it  in the hierarchy of the selected object 
    • "by" - will be created outside the hierarchy of the selected object 
    • "new" - will be created outside the hierarchy of the selected object. ! Note: In this case, new objects do not inherit the name or      part of the selected objects. Give them a name using the prefix, identifier, suffix fields. The generated number name_# will be added to the end of the name.

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