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ZenTools 1.6.1 for Maya (maya script)

poly, uv, surface, curve, rigging, & hair tools

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  • 2009, 2008

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Windows


Last Modified:04/09/2009
File Size: 307 KB
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  • Mkka

    Mkka said about 2 years ago:

    For Maya 2023 users:

    P.S. This is modification of this script to working with new versions  of Maya that uses new Python 3. 
  • said over 2 years ago:

    I'm using Maya 2023

    This is the error when I'm in the script editor window:
    Error: line 1: ModuleNotFoundError: file line 1: No module named 'zen'

    Can you help me in any way? Thanks!

  • pabgo

    pabgo said about 3 years ago:

  • 24036786677

    24036786677 said over 3 years ago:

    it can't work in maya2021,help!
  • Nat_404

    Nat_404 said over 5 years ago:

    If you're a mac user and having issues, place your zen folder in this path:
    More details here:
  • Elm87

    Elm87 said about 6 years ago:

     python("import zen");evalDeferred("zenTools"); - inset in MEL command line.Work in Maya 2018!
  • peterben72

    peterben72 said over 6 years ago:

    Zen tools was working but now isn't.
    Yes I have Bonus Tools installed. Yes I have matrixNodes.mll closestPointOnCurve.mll  and pointOnMeshInfo.mll set to loaded and auto load in my plug in manager.
    When I type this command:
    python("import zen");evalDeferred("zenTools");
    I get this error line:
    # Error: NameError: file <maya console> line 1: name 'python' is not defined #
    Yes I am doing this on the python tab of the script editor. Can anyone help? Anyone at all?
  • kellydesign

    kellydesign said over 6 years ago:

    @Marjan Mahdjoubi do you have the Maya Bonus Tools installed? I think they are required to run this
  • Marjan Mahdjoubi

    Marjan Mahdjoubi said almost 7 years ago:

    this doesn't work with maya 2017 anymore. Here is the error: # Error: line 1: Plug-in, "closestPointOnCurve" was compiled against too old a version of the Maya API and is thus incompatible with the current Maya version. (closestPointOnCurve) # 
    please fix this. This tool is the only reason why I still use Maya over Modo
  • myura9

    myura9 said over 13 years ago:

    Great tool. For someone who has install problem: When I tried to import zen,first I got the folloing error massage. # Error: ImportError: No module named zen # - OS : Windows XP - Maya ver. : Maya 2011 - ZenTools ver. : zen_Tools_1.6.2 - Maya path : C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2011 - ZenTools path : C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2011\scripts\zen After I moved the sctipts to under the user directory it works well. - ZenTools Path : C:\Documents and Settings\USER_NAME\My Documents\maya\2011\scripts\zen

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