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Scripts / Plugins > Camera compatible with Maya
Simple Print Maya Tool for Maya
This script allows you to easily capture free perspective screenshots from Maya and save the files in the same location as the Maya file. When running the script, a high-quality screenshot of the scene will be generated in the perspective view and automatically saved in the current file folder
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Mo Image Plane Manager for Maya
Struggling with image planes? Simple, yet powerful UI to import, move and mange imageplanes in your Maya scene.
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Main Camera for Maya
View multiple camera playback consecutively without having to change the current camera
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EA_HUD for Maya
Create HUD to display some information on playblast.Turn on/off camera setting options.Take a playblast.Create all 4 type of camera.
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Easy set keys to selections_Easy2key for Maya
easy set/delete/lock/unlock keys for begginers
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camTools for Maya
camTools_v1 is a small tool developed to create camera fast and straight from current perspective camera view/angle.
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Filmback Matcher for Maya
Creates cameras that matches actual live action camera. Uses to stay up to date.
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Camera and Object Positions to After Effects for Maya
Camera and Null Export to After Effects
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Free jSequencer: An Improved Camera Sequencer for Maya
Modified Camera Sequencer that improves the animatic and sequence creating processes
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Free Maya to After Effects (MAE) for Maya
Export cameras and locators from Maya to After Effects
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Free Cubemap, Skybox 6 camera setup for Maya
Create quick 6 camera setup for cubemap rendering
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Free 3D Equalizer to Maya for Maya
Allows you to select a MEL script exported from 3D Equalizer and import it in a cleaner way
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Free hoCam for Maya
Easily constrain persp cam (while retaining all range of movement) to selection
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