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Mo Image Plane Manager 2.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

Struggling with image planes? Simple, yet powerful UI to import, move and mange imageplanes in your Maya scene.

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  • 2022

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:01/26/2023
File Size: 19 KB
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  • makzar

    makzar said over 1 year ago:

    The script works well, thanks!
  • hazem_zoom

    hazem_zoom said over 6 years ago:

    The scripts works OK for Maya 2018.3 but I got few notes:
    -once I excute it , it gives me this error ((# Warning: The -bs/-borderStyle flag is obsolete and should not be used. # ))
    -the script can be turned off then load it again & it remembers the images you added to the scene, thats Good.
    -the button "Select" wokded for me only if I am in another viewport that I didnt use to creat the plane ((if I created plane for Persp, if I got oFront view for example then press (Select), it will change it from Front to Persp & frame it to the size of the image.
    -"Look Through" button didnt work for me at all in any case (whatever I choose camera or even plane itself, when I press it, nothing happens)
    -All other features worked very well :)

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