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Scripts / Plugins > Utility / External > Export compatible with Maya
QuickCollider for Maya
Toolbox for creating simple colliders from selection, to speed up workflow
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batch FBX Import to OBJ Export for Maya
Import a folder containing FBXs and export everything back to it as OBJs with textures still intact
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Mimic: Industrial Robot Animation and Control for Maya
Animate 6-axis industrial robot arms and generate usable robot control programs for real machines
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ADR Batch Export for Maya
Exports selected objects in the maya scene to different formats. It can reset the transition values, so that the object is saved at the grid, which will be easier to identify and manage, while importing to a new scene.
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JJ OBJ Toolkit for Maya
Clean, easier and more effective workflow for handling OBJ files in Maya.
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Camera and Object Positions to After Effects for Maya
Camera and Null Export to After Effects
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Batch 'N Snatch mass Object export and mass import objects (.obj files) for Maya
Mass exporter and mass importer of Object (.obj files)
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Maya Alembic to backburner for Maya
This is a tool for sending alembic cache to backburner
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Srishti Script for Maya
This is a MEL code for viewable renderings and time adjustments with one click that saves your renders as you view them happen.
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Free One Click Save for Maya
Easily save your scene with a new incremental number and a description
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Free Maya to After Effects (MAE) for Maya
Export cameras and locators from Maya to After Effects
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Free Exjoeport for Maya
Exporting tool for Maya. Freeze transforms, Center , Delete Historys, and Export Multiple objects
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Free Store Information as Image for Maya
Write information as a PNG image, which can then be uploaded to Imgur and read elsewhere.
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Free Maya to Houdini OBJ Sequence Exporter. for Maya
Export the OBJ Sequence and Camera from Maya to Houdini.
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Free jbUnity Tools for Maya
Tools for setup and maintenance of the Maya grid, cameras and units for creating, managing and exporting assets for the Unity game engine.
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Free jbUDK Tools for Maya
Tools for setup and maintenance of the Maya grid and cameras for creating and managing UDK assets.
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Free Axtended Animation Manager - FBX/PSA for Maya
Axtended is an animation manager closely knit to ActorX for development with Unreal Engine 3 based games or mods. Now with FBX support.
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Free FBX Batch Exporter for Maya
This is the first version of my attempt at a FBX batch exporter and UI script for Maya.
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