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jbUnity Tools 1.4.4 for Maya (maya script)

Tools for setup and maintenance of the Maya grid, cameras and units for creating, managing and exporting assets for the Unity game engine.

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  • 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012

Operating Systems

  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:10/22/2014
File Size: 57.3 KB
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  • Eugenealazar418

    Eugenealazar418 said about 2 years ago:

    Video games are played on a screen. The controls and video games may be a little complicated at first, but anybody can learn to play. Video games challenge you to think logically, react quickly and be accurate.
  • iffyga game

    iffyga game said over 2 years ago:

    American single malt whiskey is a type of whiskey that uses only American-grown grains. American single malt whiskey have a higher percentage of malted barley and is aged in barrels with no added color or flavorings. The mellowness, spices, and rich flavor you get from an American single malt is just not as present in other types of whiskey.

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