I came up with the idea of some kind of "magic wand" keyer for Shake sometime in late 2006 I believe. I was thinking to myself: "Why isn't there a keyer in Shake that 'grows' out from a picked coordinate in a continuous way like the Magic Wand in Photoshop". This plugin is exactly that, and can be very, very useful in a lot of different situations! I don't like rotoscoping, and I always try to come up with procedural approaches to skip the tedious process. This plugin is definitely a good way in the direction of not doing a lot of garbage rotoscoping. If you, for example, have a video footage of say a guy with five blue dots on a T-shirt and want to make one of them red. You probably then do a key on blue and garbage roto the dot out, do an Inside and you have your matte to color correct with. With my "Wand Keyer" you can now track the dot (using the regular Shake Tracker node), and easily link that to the Wand Keyer. Tweak the tolerance settings and you automatically got your matte!
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