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Transform Coordinates 1.0.0 for Shake (shake plugin)

Transform a tracker with a transformation chain

Button download


  • 4.x

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac


Last Modified:06/22/2009
File Size: 47.9 KB
This plugin transforms a coordinate pair (x & y) with the matrix retrieved from the concatenation chain directly upstreams. It doesn't do this live because of Shake's internal dependency of the values before and after the current time to correctly calculate motion blur. Because of this the parameter curves needs to be baked much like the PixelAnalyzer only faster because no image data is needed only upstream parameter values.
This could be useful in a variety of situations. A simple example would be that you have tracked and composited together some image material that later gets cornerpined to a TV set in the shot. Suppose you later want to have that tracker-position earlier created but now actually in the shot's position on the TV screen material. Instead of painstakingly painting a dot and temporarily use that to retrack it in the shot's final position, and more importantly therefore loose a lot of accuracy, you use this plugin to transform the tracking data to what it should be exactly! The only thing you have to do is place the node directly under the concatenated transformation chain, give it the coordinates to transform (click "LinkTracker" to easily hook up to a existing tracker in the script), give it a time range and hit the "BakeTransformation" button.

NOTE: You can download the Linux version on my website

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