Maya Tutorials
This tutorial is designed to show most of the UV mapping techniques and tricks that I use day in and day out. This is more of a brief case study rather than a step by step tutorial but it will give you, the viewer, an idea of the work flow I use when UV mapping something tricky like a human s...
Batch Tool Tutorial I. What is the Batch Tool? The Batch Tool is a tool kit to do Maya rendering and batch processing for large amount of files. It serves as a bridge between Maya, operating system and local area network. The Batch Tool allows you to: *)Do Maya network r...
IK FK Arm Setup Tutorial A 45 min comprehensive tutorial on how to setup an ik/fk arm How to avoid some pit falls with building an ik fk setup Building simple animation controls Simple blending without constraints and using the power of utility nodes How to build a seamle...
This tutorial will get you up to speed in setting up a simple Final Gather scene. Set-up These are some tips on using Mental Ray. - make sure your models are UV mapped before you render. Even if it's just a quick automatic mapping, this can prevent some errors. - keep your geometry quad or tr...
How to make a realistic cable (Maya Dynamics Tutorial) In this tutorial i`ll try to explain how to make a simple NURBS cylinder to behave like a real cable with gravity, some elasticity and all that real stuff. In this tutorial i`m assuming all th...
Merge sequences with Sequencemaster Combine multiple sequences with Reformat or Save As / Record Reformat can merge multiple sequences to create a new sequence of the same file type. Save As / Record can batch convert multiple sequences as a new merged sequence ...
Solution 1: Joint/Curve moving. When working with a SplineIK to quickly throw a character rig together it's a common problem to just throw it on the skeleton and hope for the best only to find that the curve that the SplineIK created has moved your joints to a non-Zero rotation screw...
We begin with a model of an octopus type creature. You can download the source files here, Octopus.rar . The scene file already has the displacement nodes assigned to the geometry. There are two separate pieces to the model, the nautilus shell and the octopus's body. It has 8,382 total triangles...
Hi guys, Maya fluids are amazing but expensive to use, So here is an old trick which will help you to create low cost but very realistic clouds. Create a sphere (Subdivision Axis = 6, Subdivision height = 4), Duplicate them few times. Select all spheres and go to Window > Rendering Ed...
Creating Shadows For Maya Paint Effects Maya paint effects is a very powerful feature in Maya which you can use to create animated plants and grass without useing any third party plug-in. However Maya paint effects has its own drawbacks. The main drawback is you cannot render shadows...
Lately Ive stumbled across self-made textures of a dedicated hobbyist photographer. Most of his textures lacked the features a good diffuse texture has. So I decided to make a tutorial for everybody out there whos interested in how to photograph usable diffuse textures. If you ...
Maya Optics DI He Introduction The term of optics can be largely related to many scientific fields, related the physical concept in Maya software are not very different, therefore lighting and shading processing in Maya is often hard and confusing. Especially for the users wh...
This is a video tutorial. Watch the video here:
Maya Dynamics - Learning Goals By Morteza Ghamari Version: Maya 2008 Hi everyone this is my tutorial about goals I hope you like this and learn it And sorry for bad English Step 1: Firs...
Often time I noticed guys creating a tree but the leaf doesnt look natural. So I thought of writing a tutorial, which will help you to make a realistic tree. Here is a picture I've downloaded from the net, If you see it carefully, you will notice that the tip of the leaves are not ...
Create a primitive NURBS sphere using the defaults. Rename it to ball. Transform the sphere. (Figure 1) Translate X = -4 Translate Y = 5 Scale X = .5 Scale Y = .5 Scale Z = .5 Create a primitive polygon cube using the defaults. We will keep ...
Here is some tips for setting up mental ray standalone for maya users successfully. 1- After installing and licensing mental ray standalone, Start SPM service. (type: services.msc in command prompt, find SPM and start it). 2- Do not forget to set SPM_HOST in environment variables. -L...
List Connections in the Hypergraph Software Needed: Maya 8.x Skill: Basic MEL When editing the connections of a gven node can be confusing in the hypergraph. The hypergraph will get very complex depending on the amount of connections. As you can see there is only 4 custom...
Simple lighting effects that really look cool this is just a simple object with shadows and fog that just tend to look sweet. first, we will create the object that we will light and make look cool. 1) Create a cylinder with 0 caps, 50 sub axis, and 25 sub height. Make it have a radius o...
Depth of Field is one of those things that is more often than not, over used. However it does form an important role in generating realistic imagery in 3 dimensional environments. This tutorial does not discuss the correct use of DOF, but instead will show a simple but effective way to set-up a c...
jEdit is a great text editor. It is much more than just a text editor though. Through various plugins and macros, jEdit can be integrated into Maya and function as a full featured programming environment. And jEdit will function on every operating system that Maya does so its easy to use wherev...
This video tutorial runs you through the workflow of Maya and Mudbox.
Fast modeling with texture By Thiago Jos� C�ser Hi everyone. I found a trick way to put a texture in a circumference shape without losing time mapping the Uvs. This technic can be used for fast modeling of similar shapes. So here we go: I took three picture...
Particle Morph Hi Friends , This is sathish kumar from chennai, India. I am working in Nipuna Services. This tutorial is all about particles. In this Tutorial we will be using mathematical functions. As for us I concern it was really difficult to transform the particle's from one ...
Hi, my name is Massimo Righi and I am freelance CG artist form Italy. You can see more of my portfolio on highend3d gallery: What I'm going to do, is trying to show you the main steps of how I've made my "Male Green Frog". I've used Maya 8 for modelling, MentalRay for rendering and Photo...