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Batch Tool 1.0.0

Batch Tool for rendering and file processing

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Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Windows


Last Modified:12/07/2008
File Size: 3.88 MB
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  • aarmbruster Armbruster

    aarmbruster Armbruster said over 16 years ago:

    Just implemented this into my work flow and has eased my network rendering ten fold. Thank you.
  • honglou

    honglou said over 16 years ago:

    Hi.Thank you for trying the BatchTool. As the BatchTool use the 10051 port to send and receive render commands, please close the NetRenderSerer first then restart it. If this does not work, please try following: 1. in windows system: start NetRenderSerer by: NetRenderServer.exe -p 40051 then edit both the batchTool_Nt.env and batchTool_Linux.env in BatchTool/etc folder: change "Port=10051" to "Port=40051" linux system: python NetRenderServer.pyc -p 40051 then edit both the batchTool_Nt.env and batchTool_Linux.env in BatchTool/etc folder: change "Port=10051" to "Port=40051" Note:40051 port number is just for your reference and yon can change it to any number that is not used by your systems.
  • robertPLUS

    robertPLUS said over 16 years ago:

    Hello Im interested in your Batch tool, so i tried it. When I followed your tutorial i go this in log: Exception in thread Thread-3: Traceback (most recent call last): File "threading.pyc", line 486, in __bootstrap_inner File "", line 102, in run File "", line 1, in bind error: (10048, 'Address already in use') Can you help me with that, THX in advance

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