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Pinworms Outliner 1.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

The ONLY outliner replacement!

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  • 8.x, 7.x, 6.x, 5.x, 4.x

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:09/12/2006
File Size: 46.7 KB
Pinworms Outliner v1.0

Why Pinworms? Who knows... However, why my outliner?  ... Well, this outliner was actually developed to improve workflow. All features were written by me. Yes, some of what this script does on its vertical shelf are scripts you can download here, but its all about convenience. Here's what you get.

Top Horizontal Shelf: (Toggles)
  • Toggle Background between Black, Dark Grey and Light Grey
  • Toggle Visibility on/off on selected object(s)
  • Toggle Template mode on/off on selected object(s)
  • Toggle Bounding Box mode on/off on selected object(s)
  • Toggle Normals display on/off on selected geometry
You can see, when you select a node (like the persp camera) that if it does not have an attribute to fill in for what can toggle (like the normals) you get a question mark designating that this won't do anything.

Left Vertical Shelf: (Functions)
  1. Open Windows Explorer in the project root
  2. Delete history on selected object(s)
  3. Delete all static channels on selected object(s)
  4. Freeze Transformations on selected object(s)
  5. Select an object, then click the 'ALL' button to select all of the objects in the scene of that type.
  6. Center Pivots on selected object(s)
  7. Force the selected object(s) back to the origin, even if transforms have been frozen
  8. Refresh all the textures found in the scene
  9. Select a camera in the outliner then click the camera button to make the selected camera the ONLY renderable camera in the scene.
  10. (This only works in versions of Maya below v7.0) This function will allow you to select object(s) and THEN the camera and allow you to Render Active only those selected objects in the outliner. However, for some reason in Maya 7, render active seems to not work.
  11. Select the camera in the outliner and click the broken arm to render a snapshot of the current camera.
At the bottom of the Pinworms Outliner you can see this text field. This text field is for writing notes on selected nodes. The purpose of this, is to instill some sort of basic documentation to other artists who may have to use your scenes in production and have no clue what is going on with specific nodes. Can be very helpful if you take the few minutes to utilize it.

The little red headed guy in the corner is a simple ABOUT button. Nothing fancy. I hope this works for you as it has worked for me and increased my workflow quite a bit ...

  1. Unrar this archive into this folder: C:Documents and Settings<user name>My Documentsmaya7.0scripts
  2. You should now have a seths folder in this location. Once that is done, put this command on the shelf: eval("source "" + `internalVar -usd` + "seths/pinLiner/pinLiner.mel"");
  3. If you want, you can then use this shelf icon located here, or, jus tmap THAT command to the 'o' hotkey like I have for loading the outliner.
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