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CGTalk Illuminati Thread
Illuminati is a GI Light Dome rig on crack. It will allow you the flexibility of creating the dome as dense or sparse as you would like. If you have an Illuminati rig already generated in the scene you can re-run the script (preferably from shelf button) to pull up a light rig UI.
This rig is somewhat similar to my Tippet Rig lighting setup but 100x better.
Features include:
- texture lookup for lights upon a designated poly dome for the Sky and Ground lights.
- A luminance multiplier toggle to offset light intensities so they're not all exactly the same.
- Light aim cube which can be toggled on/off
- Global UI with access to all attributes. Gives you the ability to change multiple attributes across the board in 1 easy swoop.
- Ability to manually pick sky/ground dome lights and move them around the sphere freely for precise placement. If you move them, there is a button in the frontend to restore the lights back to their default positions on the dome.
- Ability to manually pick sunlight and move it around dome freely as well as rotationally via the frontend.
- Override Modes now available for the sky/ground lights. This means you can select a few or all lights in the sky/ground sets and break the intensity, color and diffuse/specular attributes from the global rig. This allows you to manually control specific lights if that control is needed.
- Ability to choose whether you want Spot Lights or Directional lights for each individual light set (Sun, Sky and Ground)
- Several other modifications here and there.
This is the path you should see when unzipped properly to your scripts folder. The zipfile already contains the \seth\ folder. Just unzip to the proper path and you're good to go.
To find your scripts folder run THIS COMMAND in the script editor: internalVar -usd;
- C:\Users\seth\Documents\maya\2011-x64\scripts\
Hopefully you will enjoy. Feedback, comments, feature additions/omitions are always appreciated.
Please use the Feature Requests to give me ideas.
Please use the Support Forum if you have any questions or problems.
Please rate and review in the Review section.