With this script you can make footprints on a ground.You can also use it to make all sort of contacts (on a chair, between two characters, etc).
Maya 2009 Unlimited - Linux (Ubuntu 8.10) - 64bits
Maya 2009 Unlimited - Windows Xp SP3 - 32bits
How to install the script
Put the script in your user scripts directory :
- Windows: C:/Documents and Settings/USER_NAME/My Documents/maya/2009/scripts/
- Linux: /home/USER_NAME/maya/2009/scripts/
Change USER_NAME by yours and 2009 if you have another version of maya
(exemple: C:/Documents and Settings/J.Doe/My Documents/maya/8.5/scripts/ )
In maya, source the script then put KBI_Setup_Footprint; in the command line to load the script.
What to do before using the script
Create a curve with the form of the footprint you want to have and put it right under the foot.
How to use the Set driven key fonction
Use the locator created by the script to control the depth of the footprint.Then put the foot (with the foot controler) to the depthest position in the ground.
Copy the value in translateY of the controler in the first field.In the second field put the value of the default position (when the foot only touch the ground).Hit the Set driven Keys button.
1.0 - 2009.01.31 - Initial Release.
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