With this script you can transfert the attributes of a shader to one or multiple shader(s).
(ex:a Blinn shader to 3 Phong and 2 Lambert).
You can also individually transfert a specific attribute.
Maya 2009 Unlimited - Linux (Ubuntu 8.10) - 64bits
Maya 2009 Unlimited - Windows Xp SP3 - 32bits <-- Only for the 1.1 Version
How to install the script
Put the script in your user scripts directory :
- Windows: C:/Documents and Settings/USER_NAME/My Documents/maya/2009/scripts/
- Linux: /home/USER_NAME/maya/2009/scripts/
Change USER_NAME by yours and 2009 if you have another version of maya
(exemple: C:/Documents and Settings/J.Doe/My Documents/maya/8.5/scripts/ )
In maya, source the script then put KBI_Materials_Attributes_Transfert; in the command line to load the script.
How to transfert all atributes with or without the color attribute between shaders
Select the source shader first then those who will get the attributes and press the Global With Color or Global Without Color button.
How to transfert only one attribute between shaders
Select the source shader first then those who will get the attributes and hit the attribute button you want to transfert.
1.2 - 2009.04.04 - Now you can transfert to multiple and differents shaders at once.Minor UI redesign.Thank to Hammer for the feedbacks
1.1 - 2009.01.14 - Add transfert possibilities for Phong, PhongE, Lambert and Anisotropic.
1.0 - 2009.01.11 - Initial Release.
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