ivguerrero added a feature request to ABCshelf for Maya Report 2013-11-19 15:59:43 UTC
ivguerrero posted in can not gamma correct image plane in gamma corrected image plane for Maya Report 2013-11-07 15:55:02 UTC
I haven't tested the script with maya 2014, but I don't see why it shouldn't work. Make sure your image plane is turned on when you render. It's wo... (more)
ivguerrero posted in nRidig collision object being deformed by nCloth? weird bug? in Cloth Report 2013-01-16 11:28:58 UTC
looks like the culprit was collision layers for those that are intererested. I was using non-integer numbers for my collision layers and that seem... (more) -
ivguerrero posted in nRidig collision object being deformed by nCloth? weird bug? in Cloth Report 2012-08-01 16:14:33 UTC
I’m doing a fairly straight forward cloth rig with body mesh connected to an nRigid node, and a pair of nCloth pants. The body mesh is deformed ... (more) -
ivguerrero submitted the file particle kill field for Maya Report 2011-10-03 19:45:42 UTC
Volume kill field for particles and nParticles (more)
ivguerrero added a feature request to Good Parenting for Maya Report 2011-09-16 09:47:05 UTC
ivguerrero submitted the file Global update to hardware texturing on all shaders for Maya Report 2011-08-17 19:52:54 UTC
Update all shaders in your scene to show the color channel in viewport (more)
ivguerrero submitted the file gamma corrected image plane for Maya Report 2011-06-27 13:29:02 UTC
render image planes in linear color space (more)
Comment7 on feature request