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Submit from Maya directly to Smedge 1.0.3 for Maya (maya script)

Integrate Smedge directly into your Maya Render menu

Button download


  • 2012, 2011, 2010, 9.x, 2009, 2008, 8.x, 7.x, 6.x

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:02/22/2012
File Size: 40.2 KB


Smedge, Submit

This script makes submitting your scenes to a Smedge controlled render farm extremely simple from direclty inside of the Maya interface, while still allowing you detailed control over how the scene is submitted. 

The script will automatically integrate itself into the render menu when it is sourced. Once there, it will add a menu command with an option box. Using the menu command directly will submit the scene directly to the farm without showing an interface, using the last settings you had configured on the window (or the defaults). Using the option box will open the full UI, allowing you to configure many of the settings for the job.

The first time you run it, the window will open to the settings tab, so you can configure the path to the Submit component executable of your Smedge system. By default, Submit lives here:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Smedge\Submit.exe


(Note that on a Mac, the Submit component executable is hidden inside of the Smedge application bundle. You can find it in the Finder by control-clicking on the app icon and using the "Show package contents" menu command.)

Much of the data will be populated using the currently open scene, but you can also optionally override any of these automatically calculated settings. Smedge can save the settings and overrides you configure with the scene so that successive renders of the same scene file can reuse the last settings without having to open the window.

The script can be configured to copy the scene to the renderScenes folder of your Maya project, so you can keep working on the scene file without affecting a currently going render. You can also submit render layers as separate jobs, download and select pools, and configure advanced settings like error detection and frame rendering order, and much more.

This script requires a working Smedge installation to be useful. You can find the latest version of Smedge on the Uberware web page:

Please let me know if you have any questions or run into any trouble with this script. Thank you,



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