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Selector 1.2.0 for Maya (maya script)

Select objects or run mel, just clicking on selector object

Button download


  • 9.x, 2009, 2008, 8.x

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Windows


Last Modified:01/23/2011
File Size: 1.39 MB


select, selection, mel, GUI, Rig, Rigging

Selector is a bunch of scripts which allows you simplicity by clicking on one object select other objects

connected to him, or run script. That gives you possibility to build more friendly user rigs. For example

you have 6 controls on spine rig, animator likes use it individually, but some times animator want select

all control for spine rig, classical he can do this by click on shelf script or GUI, but with selector you

can add object near spine controls, which after clicked on him by animator all spine controls will be

selected. Also you can easy build GUI based on object in scenes. After click on selector object you can

run script for example: switching IK to FK, show/hide controls... etc.


Here is simple video with example of using this system:


Please also look on my website:

Kamil Hepner



version 1.1 - Undo bug was fixed, and showing warning message when is select a selector with command - was also fixed

version 1.2:  - It now works with references objects
- The names of objects like selector and selected by it can be change, because now it is fully base on connections between object, not on names like it was earlier.
- Attributes that connected two objects (selector and selected object) have been changed, now selector have multi message attribute .select, selected object have now message attribute .selector 
- Now procedures for ScriptJob, remove/add selector/object was improved and they work faster now. 

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