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reNameIt 2.1.0 for Maya (maya script)

Renames sel Nodes, Rename/Reorder attr w/Features!

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  • 2008, 8.x, 7.x, 6.x, 5.x

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Last Modified:06/25/2008
File Size: 27.1 KB
Rename It 2.1.0
Renames selected Nodes in order of selection and renames/reorder attributes

Rename Nodes:

The renaming of nodes is based off the current selection. There are three parts to the "text string" "string-prefix", "variable" and "string-suffix". The "text string" will be used for the renaming of nodes based off the following options.
Replace - replaces the current name with the text string
Prefix - add the text string to the beginning of the current name
Suffix - add the text string to the end of the current name

Rename Nodes/Rename and Reorder Attributes

The variable will increment for each node in the selection. The following options are available [a-z], [A-Z], [0-9], and [none]. The start letter can be change with the drop down and the number with the intField. When using the [a-z] or [A-Z] feature on selections that is greater then 26 will add another increnter letter to the main letter. For example: 27th node in the selection is "ba", 28 is "bb", 1 is "aa" and 192 is "hj" with a limit of 676 nodes. When in the [0-9] mode, RMC over the inField will open a menu to enable padding up to 5 zeros. The feature "Auto Padding", will choose the correct padding for you each time you reName It.

Search Replace:
Maya's search and replace feature has been added for easier accessibilty. A new feature has been added called "Swap", this is allow renaming of 2 nodes to have the second node's name created based off the first selection. For example: Search for "lf", replace with "rt", the first selected nodes is named "lf_armCTRL". The second node will be named "rt_armCTRL".

Renaming and Reorder Attributes:
All keyable attributes are added to the textScrollList (Non-keyable attributes can be added with the check box), when a node is loaded. By using the "up" and "down" buttons will reorder the attributes. Changing the "Long Name" will perserve the current order the attributes are in.

If you have any questions or comments please email me or use the support forum.


If you have any questions or concerns with issues using the script please use the forums or email, so I can address the issue.


NOTE: If user defined attributes are locked, reorder has issues. To work around this simply unlock the attributes.

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