This script provides a method for organizing camera switching and shot placement within Maya.
At startup, it provides a camera view, along with a list of all cameras currently in the scene. Selecting a camera from the list will update the view through the camera. Clicking on the "Add Shot" button will add a snapshot through the current camera (tied to the current frame) in the lower "Shot List" area. You can add as many shots as you like, changing the current time and selecting various cameras. The script maintains proper ordering of the shots based on frame number.
Once you have some shots created, you can click on any one of them to set the current time to the corresponding frame and the camera view to the corresponding camera. Right-clicking on any of the snapshots will give you three options:
Change Time (keep the camera the same, but changes the time)
Change Camera (keeps the frame the same, but changes the camera)
Delete (removes that snapshot)
Both the Change Time and Change Camera options will bring up a secondary dialog for you to specify the new info. Note that the times listed represent the frame at which the camera will switch over to that view.
Once you have the shots arranged as you like, clicking on the "Create Render Cam" button will create a camera and set keyframes on it such that it assumes the position and rotation of the cameras listed in the shot list. To see a playblast of the result, click the "Preview Anim" button.
You can change things as much as you want- the script will only create a single camera. When you're ready to render, be sure to render out from the "psCamUtilCamera1" camera, as that's the one that's animated.
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