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offsetAnmFromPose 1.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

Offset a whole animation from a single starting pose. It keeps you from repositionning each animation curves in the graph editor. Now a bit obsolete because of anim layers but it's a good way to preserve a simple to edit animation with this process.

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  • 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:08/02/2011
File Size: 3.78 KB


offset, anim

/////// offsetAnmFromPose.mel version 1.0 /////////
//Author: Christophe Brugal (
//Copyright (C) 2009 Christophe Brugal
//Version: 1.0
//    Function :
//        Offset a whole animation from a single starting pose. It keeps you from repositionning each animation curves in the graph editor. Now a bit obsolete because of anim layers but it's a good way to preserve a simple to edit animation with this process.
//    Usage :
//        Source "offsetAnm.mel"; offsetAnm();
//        Create an animation key in front of the animated objects from where you like it to start.
//        Select the animated objects you wish to offset. Set the actual time at the offset key.
//        Proceed with script. Now the animation start from this values.
//        The offset key has to be deleted manually.
//    To Do :
//        - Automatic deletion of the offset key
//        - Make the offset pose at any time with no need to set a key.

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