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Matching Geom 1.1.2 for Maya (maya script)

This script allow you to offset skinned mesh's bones position (and their animation) according to a new mesh (must be blendshapable). Useful when your mesh changed or if you need to skin a bunch of object with same topology.

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  • 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:08/02/2011
File Size: 5.95 KB
/////////////// matchingGeom.mel  //////////////
//Author: Christophe Brugal (
//Copyright (C) 2009 Christophe Brugal
//Version: 1.12
//    Function :
//        This script allow you to offset skinned mesh's bones position (and their animation) according to a new mesh (must be blendshapable).
//        Useful when your mesh changed (but the topology is the same) or if you need to skin a bunch of object with same topology.
//    Usage :
//        Select a skinned object with blendshape node attached (works only with a single blendshape).
//        Then type :
//        Source "matchingGeom.mel"; matchingGeom();
//        Bones will be moved according to the skinning weight informations so animations done with the old mesh are still compatibles with the new mesh.

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