Creates a group of clusters ( and it can manage more then one ) to control the mesh.
Helps mirror the translation,rotation and scale of them.
Easily adjust the origin and position of clusters without affecting the skin.
With the outliner in the left UI it's easy to select components.
With the mirror weights buttons it's now possible to copy the weights in the opposite cluster,
both weights textures are stored in $projectdir/sourceimages/MBCluster
0.5 - Added the possibility to choose a simmetry plane
- Added the mirror position and origin button
- Added the scaling of locators to fit objects dimensions
0.4 - Bug fixed: if the Paint Attribute Tools was never used, the mirror weight function wont work
0.3 - Added the mirror weights button
0.2 - Replaced the "Set Key" buttons with Paint cluster weights for each clusters
- Added a select cluster button and removed the cluster in the outliner window
please comments and suggestion are welcome
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