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camera bookmark manager 1.2.3 for Maya (maya script)

camera bookmark manager + extended functionality

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  • 8.x, 7.x, 6.x

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Windows


Last Modified:05/20/2008
File Size: 30 KB
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1-5 of 5

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  • geoffhecht

    geoffhecht said over 16 years ago:

    This script is great! It does work on maya 2008 (as I tested it). The one thing I'd say is in your instructions you should mention specifically that the userSetup.mel needs to have the following line: source "skCamBookmark_v1.2.3.mel";
  • Denaturat

    Denaturat said about 17 years ago:

    Integrated version is nice, thanks. Some troublesome error messages appears red in command line: Error: file: .../maya/8.5/scripts/skCamBookmark_v1.2.2.mel line 157: Object not found: outlinerPanel1 .../maya/8.5/scripts/skCamBookmark_v1.2.2.mel line 157: Object not found: scriptEditorPanel1 Not a must but would be nice to have automatically named bookmark by simply press Add button. currently:(// Error: Enter a name for the new bookmark.) thank you
  • stealth_kid

    stealth_kid said over 17 years ago:

    since it seems i cannot add a new comment, only edit the old one, i'm replying here to Denaturat. - error at line 157: before accesing the script's window, make sure the focus is in the vieport, not in the outliner, hypergraph, hypershade or any other pannel; in the latest version of the script, however, the chance of getting such an error is pretty low. i have no ideea if the bookmark manager works with maya 2008, i don't have it and most likely never will. but feel free to try, if it doesn't work send me the error message and i'll see what i can do.
  • Iosif Kefalas

    Iosif Kefalas said over 17 years ago:

    Is the intergrated version 2008 compatible?
  • montecore

    montecore said over 17 years ago:

    Call me old-fashioned, but I still like to use bookmarks. To put a keyframe on a camera works as well - I know - but the "camera bookmark manager" is also a nice pure camera manager. What I like most is the fact that you can easily copy bookmarks from one camera to another. Keep up expanding the tool stealth kid! I am waiting for the camera-key-copy-feature ;)

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