Maya Tutorials
Monteg 5,941 viewsHi, this tutorial show you how to create a good topological grid using maya. If someone used marvelous he knows that the grid no so good even if you use quads. Hope you like it.
Modelling in Alias - Ceiling light Exact positioning of objects with construction planes Requirement: 1.) Drawing in the orthogonal views 2.) Revolve surfaces 3.) Extrude surfaces 4.) Planar surfaces 5.) Round Target: 1.) To explain the function of construction planes 2.) ...
Tutorial: Kugelschreiber Modellieren mit Birail Voraussgesetzt wird: 1.) Das Skizzieren in den Orthogonalen Ansichten 2.) Das Erstellen von Revolve-Flächen 3.) Trimmen von Flächen 4.) Einfache Verrundung von Körpern (Round 9.0) Lernziele sind: 1.) I...
Modelling in Alias - Ceiling light Exact positioning of objects with construction planes Requirement: 1.) Drawing in the orthogonal views 2.) Revolve surfaces 3.) Extrude surfaces 4.) Planar surfaces 5.) Round ...
Deckenleuchte Exaktes Positionieren von Objekten mittels Construction Planes Voraussgesetzt wird: 1. ) Skizzieren in den Orthogonalen Ansichten 2.) Das Erstellen von Revolve Flächen 3.) Das Erstellen von Extrude Flächen 4.) Planar Surfaces 5.) Einfache Ver...
Continuity applies to both curves and surfaces. It simply refers to how two curves meet at a point, or how surfaces meet at an edge. When using a patch-modeling approach, where a character, vehicle or whatever are modeled from a series of patches, like a quilt, one wants to avoid visible seams be...
This is one of my Maya mini tutorials for beginners with, maybe, insights for pros... Can a Ramp Cut? Of course, it can! And this is how it works... Before we can cut a NURBS cylinder into two we need to create one. Right Mouse Button: Mat...
How to create a realistic looking turtle - Modeling part 1 by Denis Zen /artists/2.3d#denis_zen What follows is the first part of a tutorial which will show you how to model, texture, illuminate and animate a turtle. At the end your turtle should look like the one in the picture below...
Modeling a Bottle All righty, a modelling tutorial. A shampoo bottle. I am gonna try to hold your hand as much as possible, because that is the way I like it You will get discouraged, you will weep, you will cry, you will curse. But don�t dispair, at the end it will work. So c�mon brave lads, ...
1. Introduction (seamless modeling in Maya) "This tutorials is result of my research work in the area of character modeling and animation." Michael Bazhutkin is animator of video studio at Soros Foundation-Kyrgyzstan web site: e-mail: Click on pictur...
2. Head, hands, cloth (seamless modeling in Maya) "This tutorials is result of my research work in the area of character modeling and animation." Michael Bazhutkin is animator of video studio at Soros Foundation-Kyrgyzstan web site: e-mail: Click on ...
"This tutorials is result of my research work in the area of character modeling and animation." Michael Bazhutkin is animator of video studio at Soros Foundation-Kyrgyzstan web site: e-mail: Click on pictures for view of big pictures. The dog is a co...
One of the most common question for beginners in 3d is how to model a head. Wich technique is the best? Polygons, Nubs, Subdivision surfaces? All techniques has it owns advantages but the one that has most unanswered questions is Patch-modeling. Everyone has heard of it but few really knows th...
1. First attach the two topsurfaces of the eye with the connect option. 2. Make the surface live and draw a cv-curve on it, representing the base of the eyelash. 3. Model a single hair 4. Move the pivotpoint to the base and animate the hairobject (over about 100 frames) along the path y...
When Maya renders a NURBS surface, the object is tesselated into triangles (polygons). Understanding tesselation is crucial to clean silhouettes and patch boundary relationships. There are several options for tesellation, but this quick tutorial is dealing with multi-patch models. Above we hav...
This tutorial covers the modeling of a sci fi creature head using the popular technique of NURBS patches. Models consisting of NURBS patches is the most common appearance used in films, based on several reasons: NURBS can have infinite resolution, meaning it retesselates depending on distance fro...
Step 11. Remaining surfaces to be done of the actual head are the inside of the mouth. Turn the view so that you can see the inside, then extract every edge isoparm of the lips (go 'Edit curves - duplicate surface curves') - see figure 21. Duplicate these as well. Before moving them you will ...
After receiving a few requests to write a tutorial on my technique for modeling a head in Maya, I've decided to demonstrate exactly how I would go about making one. When modeling a head in maya, you always want to result in a detailed, yet clean model. Nurbs patches are a great way to get this ef...
Chapter 7 The Structure of the Head and Features Modeling a NURBS Head UPDATED Copyright 1999 Peter Ratner (Excerpt from Mastering 3D Animation) There are many approaches to modeling the human head. Most of these methods were designed to accomplish specific goals such as easier sculpting of fa...
This article was printed in the 1998 siggraph issue of 3D Design magazine, for an article Alex Alvarez wrote entitled 'Organic Modeling and Animation in Maya V.1', Alex is director and instructor at Gnomon Training Center, a HIGHEND3D.COM strategic partner. Alex teaches advanced acharacter ...
The purpose of this tutorial is to guide you through the process of modeling in Maya. It illustrates some of the modeling techniques used in Maya that some of us might have forgotten about. Then we are going to export our model to Zbrush for details. Once the Zbrush phase is done, we are going to...
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