Jim Levasseur
Jim Levasseur added tf_smoothSkinWeight for Maya as a favorite Report 2011-03-08 19:40:47 UTC
smooth skin weight brush (more)
Jim Levasseur posted in IK knee -- "follow" attribute resets upon scene reloading in "Rapid Rig: Advanced" - Auto Rig for Maya Report 2010-12-07 21:38:07 UTC
p.s. I feel silly, but the Bugs section here does not appear to have a button for reporting new bugs (browser issue? I tried both Chrome and Firefo... (more)
Jim Levasseur posted in IK knee -- "follow" attribute resets upon scene reloading in "Rapid Rig: Advanced" - Auto Rig for Maya Report 2010-12-07 21:35:45 UTC
Hi, I encountered a weird bug with the Follow attribute on the IK knee controls (using a rig that's referenced into a scene).If I reload the rig in... (more)
Jim Levasseur added a feature request to "Rapid Rig: Advanced" - Auto Rig for Maya Report 2010-11-15 19:08:36 UTC
Spine Length scale with main rig
Hi, I noticed that if you scale the rig using Scale X on the MainC control, the Spine Length is an absolute measurement; it doesn't scale automatic... (more)
Jim Levasseur added a feature request to "Rapid Rig: Advanced" - Auto Rig for Maya Report 2010-11-15 18:53:35 UTC
Hi, I have a few suggestions for changing default rotate orders on several controls. Obviously anyone can adjust the rotate orders after rigging, b... (more)
Jim Levasseur posted in move controls? in "Rapid Rig: Advanced" - Auto Rig for Maya Report 2010-11-15 18:17:34 UTC
Just wanted to add another vote for this feature. Ideally it would automatically mirror adjustments to the other side, or at least via button click... (more)
Jim Levasseur reported a bug on abxSmartKey 2011 for Maya Report 2010-05-27 09:55:04 UTC
Channel box selection disappears upon selecting key (2011)
Example: you have a cube with keys set on several channels.<br /><br />1. Select one attribute in the channel box, say, Translate Y.<br />2. Go int... (more)