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Setting up Mental ray
Setting up Mental ray
Farsheed Ashouri, added 2007-10-25 15:31:51 UTC 78,606 views  Rating:
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7- There is a file nemed rayrc and without any extension. Open in with Notepad and change it base on your shaders, but do it like similar to below:

registry "{MAYABASE}" value "D:/Program Files/Alias/mentalray3.45" end registry

registry "{SYSTEM}" value "windows" end registry
registry "{DSO}" value "dll" end registry

$lookup "{MAYABASE}"

registry "{_MI_REG_INCLUDE}" value "{MAYABASE}include" end registry
registry "{_MI_REG_LIBRARY}" value "{MAYABASE}lib" end registry

registry "{PD_START}"
link "{MAYABASE}/lib/Dirtmap.{DSO}"
link "{MAYABASE}/lib/shaders_p.{DSO}"
mi "{MAYABASE}/include/Dirtmap.mi"
mi "{MAYABASE}/include/shaders_p.mi"
end registry

registry "{MRLIB_START}"
link "{MAYABASE}/lib/mrLibrary.{DSO}"
echo "mrLibrary startup"
end registry

registry "{AURA_START}"
mi "{MAYABASE}/include/mray_shaders.mi"
link "{MAYABASE}/lib/mray_shaders.{DSO}"
mi "{MAYABASE}/include/exr_shader.mi"
link "{MAYABASE}/lib/exr_shader.{DSO}"
echo "mental ray for Maya - Aura startup done"
end registry

$lookup "{MRLIB_START}"
$lookup "{AURA_START}"