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Setting up Mental ray
Setting up Mental ray
Farsheed Ashouri, added 2007-10-25 15:31:51 UTC 78,607 views  Rating:
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Here is some tips for setting up mental ray standalone for maya users successfully.

1- After installing and licensing mental ray standalone, Start SPM service. (type: services.msc in command prompt, find SPM and start it).

2- Do not forget to set SPM_HOST in environment variables.

-Let's suppose that your Mental ray Standalone is installed in "D:\\Program Files\\Aliasmentalray\\3.45".

3- Set and Environment variable as below:

Variable name: MI_ROOT
Variable value: D:\\Program Files\\Aliasmentalray\\3.45

4- Set these variables:

Variable name: MI_LIBRARY_PATH
Variable value: %MI_ROOT%l\\ib

Variable name: MI_RAY_INCPATH
Variable value: %MI_ROOT%\\include

5- Add this value to path Variable:

Variable value: %MI_ROOT%\\bin

6- Copy your shaders lib and include files in D:Program\\FilesAlias\\mentalray3.45\\lib and include. (I suppose that you already installed your shaders for maya)