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User Selections 3.3.0 for Maya (maya script)

Create selection presets

Button download


  • 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 8.x

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:05/18/2018
File Size: 11.4 KB


selection, objects, User

Version History

Version 3.3.0:
Date: May 18, 2018
        - Bug fix. Selections of objects with namespaces did not work.
          Unfortunately this fix makes it not compatible with earlier versions.
        - Bug fix. When using only component selections, clearing one selection
          would break the others.
Version 3.2.0:
Date: July 31, 2016
    - Bug fix. When using only component selections, clearing one selection
      would break the others.

Version 3.1.0:
Date: July 25, 2016
    - Initial support for component selection
    - Version 2.2.0 and 3.0.0 included in the package

Version 3.0.0:
Date: July 9, 2016
    - Interface redesign
    - HUD buttons removed
    - Selections are now like quick select sets.
    - Selections are now node based instead of name based, meaning if you
      change the name of an object it will be still selected    
    - Added Isolate button to toggle Isolate Selection on active view
    - Selections can be renamed by alt+click selection button
    - Now there are 10 selections instead of 9
    - Not backwards compatible with version 2.2.0
    - Version 2.2.0 included in the package

Version 2.2.0:
Date: July 1, 2016
    - Added visibility button to toggle the visibility of the objects
    - Added template button to toggle the template state of the objects
    - Added right-click menu to delete objects on the clear selection button

Version 2.1.0:
Date: January 23, 2016
    - Added load button to reload selections from current scene. They were auto-refreshed when
      a scene was opened via a scriptJob.
    - Added save button to save current selections in the UI to the current scene. 

Version 2.0.0:
Date: January 21, 2016
    - UI redesign
    - Selections now stored in the scene      
Version 1.1.0:
Date: October 11, 2009
- Added auto update buttons state. If you create some HUD buttons and close the UI, later on
  when you reopen it, the selection buttons will reflect the currently used HUD buttons.

Version 1.0.0:
Date: October 10, 2009
- First release.