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The Easy-Pissy File Path Replacer 1.1.0 for Maya (maya script)

Searches for your missing imagefiles and updates paths.

Button download


  • 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:11/02/2014
File Size: 2.95 KB
Hello y' all!

I'm back again with another Easy-Pissy release. This is just another short script you can copy/paste (easy pissy) on your Maya script editor and execute it.
It was written in Python 2.6 (using maya.cmds) and it's just a great way to practice and have fun creating useful tools.
Feel free to comment back with suggestions.

If you're looking for an easy pissy way to replace broken texture file paths in your scene, then this tool will automate the work for you. Spend more of your time being productive!

Here's what it does:
  1. It automatically detects and reports a list of all broken texture paths in your scene.
  2. After selecting files from the list (you can select one or all of them), clicking on the browse/replace button will prompt you with a file dialog.
  3. Once a drive or a folder is selected the Easy-Pissy File Path Replacer will search and give you feedback of its progress.
  4. It will list all of the files that were found (and where) and will update the paths.
  5. Those files that were found will be removed from the list so you will only see those file that are still missing.
  6. Will print on the script editor useful information (found and/or missing files).

Have fun.

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