Here is my version of the tweenMachine we all know and love. :)
- Selected keys in the Garph Editor
- Selected channel from the channelbox
- If no specific key or channel is selected, the object will be fully tweened
There is a help window inside the tool going over the different options. (These are more advanced gimmicks and not necessary for basic use.)
You can drag the window wider to have a more sensative slider drag.
Paste the MEL files in your Maya scripts forlder: C:\Users\?User?\Documents\maya\?version?\scripts
Or put the files in any location and source them with a button, but don't forget the command: svm_tweenMachine_UI();
- A big thank you to Alex Florica who helped me with the UI-buttons scaling.
- I must thank Justin S. Barrett for his version I found on this site years ago. Since then, I've learned some scripting by myself and decided to make my own tweenMachine. But mine didn't work with animation layers until I took a look into Justin's script. (It was a silly mistake: I applied the values on the attributes and not the curves...) Here is his link:
Stijn Vande Maele,
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