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pmframecounter 2.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

Creates a menu item under the HUD for turning...

Button download


  • 7.x, 6.x, 5.x, 4.x

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:05/16/2006
File Size: 821 Bytes

Creates a menu item under the HUD for turning off and on a frame counter. Unlike other frame counters, this one doesn't add anything to your scene and works in every camera. This is useful for playblasts etc. It'll only work when you have actual animation in your scene


*new for 2.0* made it into a procedure so it doesn't clutter up the userSetup file. Just add the procedure to your existing userSetup file or make a new one for it.

copy the file into your scripts directory

create a file called userSetup.mel in your scripts directory and add the procedure to it (pmframecounter;)

it'll give you a framecounter heads up display menu item

if you already have a userSetup.mel file just add the procedure to it *putting it first seems to help it work!*

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  • Alex Grau
    Alex Grau
  • ypballer17
  • Fractalfungi