Ninja Dojo (White Belt)
1. Unzip the file to your C: Drive
2. Copy this line into your script Editor:
source "C:/Ninja_Dojo/Ninja_Dojo.mel"; Ninja_Dojo("C:/Ninja_Dojo/");
Ninja Dojo (White Belt)
1. Ninja_Dojo
2. Ninja_Rename
3. Ninja_Asset
4. Ninja Bonus Tools
Get the Full Version of Ninja Dojo (Black Belt) here:
Ninja Dojo (Black Belt)
1. Ninja_Dojo
2. Ninja_UV Go to Ninja UV Page
3. Ninja_Fracture Go to Ninja Fracture Page
5. Ninja_Light
6. Ninja_Rename
7. Ninja_Mesh
Bonus Scripts:
1. Column Gen
2. NInja Asset
3. Ninja Interactive Help
Adding Scripts:
If you have purchased Ninja_UV, Ninja_Fracture, or Ninja_Scatter you can simply copy that mel script into the NinjaDojo directory and a button will automatically get created in the Ninja Tab.
If you have have downloaded any other mel script. You can copy that mel script into the NinjaDojo/External directory and a button will get created in the External Tools Tab.
Mesh Tools
Ninja Dojo Overview
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