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Key Shifter 1.1 for Maya (maya script)

I wrote this rather simple script to aid in...

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  • 6.x

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  • Linux
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  • Windows


Last Modified:06/10/2005
File Size: 2.51 KB
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  • lavishfish

    lavishfish said about 9 years ago:

    This script rocks!!! Absolutely no problems running it with Maya 2013. Saved me tons of time. Thanks for sharing!
  • RickMay

    RickMay said about 19 years ago:

    If you are having problems, please email me specifics so I can fix it. Everyone else that has talked to me about it hasn't had any difficulties. On my system it is producing absolutely no errors, the window size is correct, and you can move everything any number of frames forward or backward. What OS/Maya version are you using? Documentation? I really didnt think it required more than what is printed in the header. Load it up. Select the object(s), pick a starting and ending frame, type in a # of frames to shift (positive or negative) and go. Bump moves 1 frame forward or backwards.
  • Geordie Martinez

    Geordie Martinez said about 19 years ago:

    window wrong size. causing errors. needs documentation. no button to move EVERYthing down 100 frames. That would be useful.

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