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follicle constraint 1.5.0 for Maya (maya script)

creates follicles usefull for constraining

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  • 2009, 2008, 8.x, 7.x, 6.x, 5.x

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:05/20/2009
File Size: 3.95 KB
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  • Jana Bergevin

    Jana Bergevin said almost 16 years ago:

    I took a look at the vid on your website; this tool is absolute perfection for card feathers and fur. Thank you so much for working on adding this functionality to the script. :D
  • Leffler

    Leffler said almost 16 years ago:

    Great, I use it alot in rigging. A nice devolopment would be if it could handle nurbs also
  • markjsand

    markjsand said almost 16 years ago:

    very handy. I used it in maya08 but did not work in maya 09 I get the following error message in maya2009 : # Error: ('invalid syntax', ('', 2, 1, '/* This file downloaded from\n'))

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