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deformerFromSoftSelection 2.1.0 for Maya (maya script)

Create a cluster or a joint from a soft selection.

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  • 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009

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  • Windows


Last Modified:04/29/2013
File Size: 7.67 KB
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  • mauro81

    mauro81 said over 10 years ago:

    Hi, it works fine in Maya 2014, it's a python script so it's not really version dependent. You need to source the script first. 2 ways to do it: 1) Copy and paste the python script in the script editor in a python tab. Source it, select all of it and press control+enter. Then run deformerFromRichSelectionUI() 2) Save the script in a folder included in maya python path. Then import mg_deformerFromSoftSelection as mg (This look in all maya python path to find the script and source it) mg.deformerFromRichSelectionUI() (runs the UI)
  • geoff3d

    geoff3d said over 10 years ago:

    I can not get this script to work at all. On Maya 2014 x64 Windows. Can pop up the UI, no options in the UI work - just give errors such as, "name 'deformerFromRichSelectionWrapper' is not defined". I'm running it with: import mg_deformerFromSoftSelection as mg mg.deformerFromRichSelectionUI() If anyone (author?) can please help that would be great.
  • FransBaud

    FransBaud said about 11 years ago:

    He Mauro, I can't get this script to work on maya 2014 (MAC) and what did you mean with: " I have added the source code. It will now work on any version of Maya. Since the previous file was a pyc it would only work on Maya2009. source the python code and run: deformerFromRichSelectionUI() Enjoy! " I only get the file > 'Scripts' folder > 'Script Editor' > pythonTab > deformerFromRichSelectionUI() > #Error deformerFromRichSelectionUI is not defined :s I hope you can help :D Thnx in advance
  • reyrey

    reyrey said over 11 years ago:

    This is a fantastic script, after a couple of tries i got it to run on Maya 2014. You may want to mention in the description that it's compatible. It would be cool to have a "Mirror" option so the Cluster/Joint deformer can be also create in X Y Z .
  • Andrey Omelchenko

    Andrey Omelchenko said almost 12 years ago:

    Hi mauro new script ok. screen pops up the script, but I still can `t create a controller soft selection. I think that in the box which there is no
  • mauro81

    mauro81 said almost 12 years ago:

    I have added the source code. It will now work on any version of Maya. Since the previous file was a pyc it would only work on Maya2009. source the python code and run: deformerFromRichSelectionUI() Enjoy!
  • Michele Boldoni

    Michele Boldoni said almost 13 years ago:

    2012? this pyc works only with 2009! Thanks!
  • mattcioffi

    mattcioffi said about 14 years ago:

    in 2010 i get: # Error: ImportError: Bad magic number in /maya/2010-x64/scripts/mg_deformerFromSoftSelection.pyc # cheers matt
  • almOehi

    almOehi said over 14 years ago:

  • unss

    unss said almost 16 years ago:

    It's work on and very very useful! It help a lot to do a facial setup.I really like it. Thank you very much!

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