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Corrective Joints 0.2.0 for Maya (maya script)

joint-based deformation correction

Button download


  • 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:06/28/2014
File Size: 2.2 KB



This is a simple MEL script which given an input joint, skeletion, or selected skeleton: Adds sibling joints for each end joint to a bone which rotate half the amount of that end joint. Utility nodes are created to drive the scaling of the new half-sibling joint based off of the end joint's rotation, and attributes are added to the end joint to control the amount of scaling on each axis. Note that setting the correstponding attribute for the X scale in the negative direction "tightens" the bend rotation, making for a sharper bend, while a positive direction "rounds" it out even further. Thanks for downloading, and please let me know what you think!

The tool makes two different character setups: One for twisting and another for volume preservation (bending). The script also uses PyQt for the UI. Usage: To load run this python script:

if 'supportJoints' in locals():
    import supportJoints
sjui = supportJoints.supportJointsUI()


Select only one joint before hitting any of the buttons. Once selected you can add or remove a bend joint or twist setup. The script assumes the joints are oriented with Primary:X Secondary: Z Secondary Up: Z. Other orientations shall be supported in the near future. Hierarchies can be used rather than one joint at a time as well. Simply select the root joint and click the "* hierarchy *" button.

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  • Jake Hempson
    Jake Hempson
  • Vojtech Lacina
    Vojtech Lacina
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  • Mara Ingham
    Mara Ingham