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cometRename 1.2 for Maya (maya script)

A correct and working renaming utility that...

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  • 4.x, 3.x

Operating Systems

  • Irix
  • Linux
  • Windows


Last Modified:02/28/2003
File Size: 8.93 KB
A correct and working renaming utility that allows basic Search & Replace, Add Prefix,
Add Suffix and Rename & Number.

Works based on the order of objects selected, so you can even rename a
hierarchy out of order if desired.

It has the following features:

  • Works on any heirarchy - Even if you are renaming a parent node.

  • Properly handles non-unique node-names, even if in the same or different hierarchies. (version 1.1+)

  • Properly replaces ALL occurances of the search string with the replace
    string. Works properly even if the replace string has the search string
    inside of it.

  • Allows user defined zero padding for the Rename and Number feature,
    as well as user defined starting number.

Version 1.2 checks to make sure entry fields are not blank, so that hangs do not occur, and has a slightly longer UI, with tooltips on the buttons.

Please use the Bug System to report any bugs.
Please use the Feature Requests to give me ideas.
Please use the Support Forum if you have any questions or problems.
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