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cly_pivotReflectionModeling.mel 2.0.5 for Maya (maya script)

auto-delete symmetry, mirror, and clean the origin

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  • 2009, 2008, 8.x

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:03/16/2014
File Size: 155 KB


symmetry, claydough

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  • Indik

    Indik said over 10 years ago:

    The best symmetry script for Maya! This is what Autodesk should have done years ago. Thank you very much!
  • brainstormer

    brainstormer said almost 15 years ago:

    Thanks! It leads the shining job, than it has been transformed in attempt praised outside, that it is closed in the God.
  • Iosif Kefalas

    Iosif Kefalas said about 16 years ago:

    It rocks, thank you, If anyone want to make it mac osx compatible just convert the icons to xpm and replace every .bpm to .xpm inside the mel scripts.

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