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chainMaker 1.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

Script that make ready-to-animate chains

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  • 2008, 8.x

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:04/10/2008
File Size: 2.15 KB
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  • rayshoes

    rayshoes said over 13 years ago:

    thanks, it works perfect
  • bijay kuma

    bijay kuma said over 13 years ago:

    Thanks a lot bro .. works great on maya 2012 64 bit
  • mischi3d

    mischi3d said over 13 years ago:

    thanks a lot, works perfect!!!
  • Gonzalo Terán

    Gonzalo Terán said over 14 years ago:

    Thanx for the script! Really helpful. We used with a friend on 64bits Maya 2009, but I wasn`t able to use it on 32bits version... Can you fix that? Thanx again.
  • kbret kbret

    kbret kbret said about 15 years ago:

    thanks man that is a great tool helps me alot and i was soo tired in this modeling thing thanks man
  • proffy

    proffy said over 16 years ago:

    hi and thanks for writing a comment, actually i noticed this bug since i used the script with a complex animation.. There is also a problem when parenting the motionPath curve to another object and rotating this object, the patterns keep their "world" rotation... I'm working on it, and i'll fix this as soon as i get time for myself
  • hadish Shamloo

    hadish Shamloo said over 16 years ago:

    it is great and very usefull but there is a bug in your script. it will rotate my objects 180 degree, half of the way on the path!

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