To run Script:
1. Place file to maya scripts folder
2. Arnold plugin must be installed
3. Run this code:
- for main window:
import VK_arnoldTools
- for subdivision window only:
import VK_arnoldTools
Masking Tools:
Create Object Masks - works with group, object and shape selection.
Create Shader Masks - works with group, object, shape, shader and shading group selection. Will skip “initialShadingGroup” and “initialParticleSE” shading groups.
RESET - removes setups and corresponding nodes. May not properly work for complex scenes with referenced objects.
First Row - set/display subdivision settings for selected nodes
Second Row - display amount/select nodes with corresponding subdivision settings
HIGH - nodes with more than 4 subdivisions
General info: tool uses conflict resolving algorithms and works in non destructive way. New objects/shading groups can be masked over an existing setup.
Tool uses "mO_<NUMBER>" and "mS_<NUMBER>" name patterns for mask naming
Masking tool currently supports maya native nodes('mesh', 'nurbsCurve', 'nurbsSurface') and Yeti plugin nodes.
Please use the Feature Requests to give me ideas.
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