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animSelector - the fast picker! 1.3.5 for Maya (maya script)

A quick way to set hotkeys for your character rig

Button download


  • 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008

Operating Systems

  • Irix
  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Solaris
  • Windows


Last Modified:11/25/2013
File Size: 210 KB


maya, animation, selection, GUI

Version History

# ##################################################################################
#                                    ChangeLog
# ##################################################################################
# > animSelector 1.3.5
# *Fixed button order and color when saved in the original file (the one that gets referenced)
#   Now it gets loaded correctly and remember the layout.
#   Please note that if you have more than one "charName" in the original scene only the first one will work
# ##################################################################################
# > animSelector 1.3.4
# *Picker window is now dockable
#    Please note that this is available only from Maya 2011.
#    If you don't like it, you can switch to the old window from the preferences
# *Changed namespaces finding algorithm
# *Added scrollbar to picker
# *Removing sets from the picker now checks for namespace
# *Added 'Rename Button' to picker window
# *Fixed a bug on 'get name from picker'
# *Cancel button on namespace chooser window now properly cancel the import
# *Fixed a bug on Maya2011
#    The 'fcc' flag for dockControl is not available on Maya2011. The picker will not mantain his position betwee sessions
#    in this version.
# *Removed 'keyable=True' flag on custom attributes
# ##################################################################################
# > animSelector 1.3.3
# *Changed custom attribute names
#    Seems that some people had issues with the "Morpheus Rig" because we we using the same naming convention (Argh!)
#    I changed the names to something more specific.
#    Please keep in mind that old setups will not work anymore.
#    However, you can update them to the new version from the update menu un the setup window.
# *Improved namespace handling when importing
#    You can now export a setup from a non referenced file and import in a referenced one  
# *Button colors and position is exported with the setup now
# ##################################################################################
# > animSelector 1.3.2
# *New button on the setup window
#    There is a small button near the "char name" field on the setup window.
#    It fills the "char name" field with the current active tab on the picker
#    (if the window is open).
#    This was a request to keep consistency with weird and long names
#    (like superMarioPartyVersionNoPants)
# *Preferences window
#    You can now modify the colors and the names for the "Change buttons color" menu.
#    The idea is that you can use the color name as the menu entry, or a body part
#    (like 'head' for red, 'left' for green ecc ecc)
#    Added picker buttons size
# *Extra > Backup hotkey on picker
#    Now you can backup your current hotkeys before assigning new ones.
# ##################################################################################
# >animSelector 1.3.1
# *New names for the functions
#    I have renamed the functions to make them more intuitive:
#    animSelector.SetupUI
#    animSelector.PickerUI    
# *Preferences window
#    There is a preference window accesible from the "Edit" menu on the setup window.
#    Now you can chose the "hotkey selection toggle' (replace, toggle or add) from there.
# *UI get saved with the scene
#    Buttons' color and position now get saved with the scene
# ##################################################################################
# > animSelector 1.3
# *Import/Export
#    Added an import/export function in case you can't modify the reference file.
#    The setup of the character can be exported to an external file (from the picker
#    window) and then re-imported in another shot.
#    There are two types of import (the can be chosen from the 'File' menu on the 
#    setup window).
#    The normal import let you import the data back and re assing it to the same character.
#    In case the namespaces are different between the shots, a window will popup 
#    letting you chose the correct one.
#    There is also another import: 'Import and remap to new character'. This option 
#    lets you assign the setup to another character in the scene.
#    The controls have to be the same, so it should be
#    A) A second reference of the same file (like when you do duplicate reference 
#       from the reference editor
#    B) A similar setup from the original file (like of crowds or extras)
# *Draggable Piker's Button
#    Buttons on the picker are draggable, letting you reorganize the window as you 
#    prefer (like most used buttons on top).
#    The behavior of the drag and drop is like this:
#    if you have buttons A, B, C and D and you drop button D on the lower half of 
#    button B, D will go below button B.
#    if you drop it on the upper half, it will go over button B
# *Colorable Buttons
#    Now you can change the color of the buttons on the picker. Just right click and
#    chose 'Change button color'
# *Maya like selection behavior
# I changed the way you select the controls when you click the button.
#    - Normal click will replace the selection (select -r)
#    - Shift + click will toggle the selection (select -tgl)
#    - Ctrl + click will remove the object from the selection (select -d)
#    - Shift + Ctrl + click will add the object to the selection (select -add)
# *Help
#    There is a 'Help' entry in the menu. Text is still missing
# ##################################################################################
# > animSelector 1.1.0
# *Hotkey selection behavior
#    Added the ability to change the hotkey behavior when calling the picker:
#       - animSelector.checkCtrlNamesUI() is TOGGLE,
#       - animSelector.checkCtrlNamesUI(1) is REMOVE
#       - animSelector.checkCtrlNamesUI(2) is ADD
# ##################################################################################
# > animSelector 1.0.0
# *First release
# ##################################################################################