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animSelector - the fast picker! 1.3.5 for Maya (maya script)

A quick way to set hotkeys for your character rig

Button download


  • 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008

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Last Modified:11/25/2013
File Size: 210 KB


maya, animation, selection, GUI

I finally had some time to update the “animSelector” script with the suggestions I got in the last few months and with some ideas I had while working on other tools.
AnimSelector is a maya script that lets you create selection sets for your rigs that can then be selected from a picker window. It is extremely useful both when your rig came with no GUI and when you need to extend the controls on an existing one.
To use the script, copy “” to your maya script folder (on windows “c:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\Documents\maya\scripts\”) and theicons to your icon folder (on windows “Documents\maya\YOUR_MAYA_VERSION\prefs\icons\”).
Then open Maya and type in the script editor (in a python tab)

import animSelector

It will create a shelf tab and two buttons, one for the setup and one for the picker.

An explaining video about the tool can be found here This video was recorder with the first release of the tool.

For a full description of the tool, please visit

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