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animSelector - the fast picker! 1.3.5 for Maya (maya script)

A quick way to set hotkeys for your character rig

Button download


  • 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008

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Last Modified:11/25/2013
File Size: 210 KB


maya, animation, selection, GUI

Feature Request

GUI Control

Submitted by:pixel_xyz pixel_xyz
Ciao Luca, great tool. I already love it! It would be ace though if you could add a little bit of extra graphic arrangement control to the picker. For instance, it would be great to make it work as a shelf, with the chance to create my own icons, and have smaller, side-tiled button instead of vertical ones (or at least make the user able to choose between either one or the other arrangement). in this way you would have the whole list of your controllers at once without the need to scroll down through a list. The icon might be squared as those in shelves or it might be added to the side of each controller to boost up finding the right controller. another thing i find very helpful are separators, which you can use to divide controllers into body parts and recognize them with one sight. The color code works just perfectly as it helps in organizing things. That's it, just a suggestion you might consider in future versions. It's already working great! cheers man, good job!

Comments on this feature request:

  • Luca Fiorentini

    Luca Fiorentini said over 10 years ago:

    Hi Daniele, thanks for the kind words! I am happy you find this tool useful. I'll try to implement your suggestions in the next release of the tool. Cheers! Luca

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