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Align Tool 1.8.0 for Maya (maya script)

A mel script mimics the align tool of 3ds Max

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  • 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009

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Last Modified:04/02/2014
File Size: 6.97 KB


maya, mel

I found few prople utilize Maya's own align tool (me, of course), so I tried to write a script that mimics the align tool in 3ds Max coz I use this tool a lot when building scene in Max.

 To use the script, select the object you wish to align to (i.e. target object), then select object to be aligned (i.e. currunt objects). You can select currunt objects as many as you wish. All the parameters have the same meaning as in 3ds Max. Align orient tool can match single axis and you should choose "Global match" to align the whole orientation of geometry. Finally, press "OK" or "Apply" to manipulate the transformation.

Enjoy it :)

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