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aks_imgPlC 3.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

This script is an image plane creator and...

Button download


  • 2008, 8.x, 7.x, 6.x, 5.x, 4.x

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:03/23/2008
File Size: 109 KB
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1-3 of 3

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  • Iosif Kefalas

    Iosif Kefalas said almost 17 years ago:

    it doesn't work for me. this is the message I get: Error: line 177: Too many children in layout: imgUI
  • Kilik

    Kilik said almost 17 years ago:

    yes it works fine with maya 2008. if you don't have the userSetup.mel file, you have to create them, and paste the line in! for Sifis that`s an strange error you gave me, the imgUI, is not a layout, it is the name of the window. maybe you did something wrong, try it again, never heard of some errors !!!
  • mmoore5553

    mmoore5553 said almost 17 years ago:

    does this work for maya 2008 ..i have tried but i can not complete this task add the following line with your machine path to the userSetup.mel: source "C:/Documents and Settings/user/My Documents/maya/7.0/scripts/aks_imgPlC/aks_imgPlC.mel"; cant find usersetup.mel

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