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shaders_p 3.3.3 for Maya (maya plugin)

shader for multipass rendering and many more

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  • 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:04/17/2013
File Size: 6.5 MB
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  • adeel afzal

    adeel afzal said almost 12 years ago:

    when i do batch render maya crashes i am using phaittk pass, render view works, guys any of you has video tutorial on puppet shader how it works how to get passes etc etc or a link to watch that would be awsome and many thanks, the links here of tutorial aren't working it says batgateway
  • mcage

    mcage said almost 12 years ago:

    Awesome shaders! Awesome implementation! Could you please compile them for maya 2014 !?! those are ESSENTIAL i wish they where integrated into maya already! thanks.
  • Rikcarter

    Rikcarter said over 17 years ago:

    It's very useful!! thank you!
  • Iosif Kefalas

    Iosif Kefalas said over 17 years ago:

    Puppet you rock...Thank you a thousand times. I'm a mac Maya user and I was waiting for this release some time now plus this time with a very good documentation. I 'm thrilled and happy.
  • Starrider

    Starrider said about 18 years ago:

    great and helpful shader!
  • terraformers

    terraformers said about 19 years ago:

    cool, thanks!
  • Joojaa

    Joojaa said over 19 years ago:

    The shaders themselves arent all that special, but what is great about this is that they include the source. Now this small detail makes this set of shaders great learning tool for anybody wishing to make shaders for mentalray. They sjow the entire process form code, mi files to AE templates. of the packed shaders only the p_CSG,p_ray_type, p_bake_read, p_buffer_writer, p_motion_to_rgb and p_scatter_wrap are something you don't get without this pack. Rest are pretty much available in maya as is. The only more complex shader is p_CSG but all theese are available form other sources. (for example alias has a shader that can do the just shadow info, facing ratio, reflectionmaps...) But the utilitarian and simpllistic nature of theese shaders make them well worth for ffurther development base for anyone wanting to learn. Anyway just for the learning aspect ill give thisone my thumbs up! To the autors comments: yes the pz is easy to do, as is the shadow alpha. Now the mega_tk well you dont actualy need it, you can allways use buffer writer in a network however as a example ist woderfull on how to optimize it fror speed. Garbaging all options uder one shader does not amke a significant difference. As for the environment. well yes it can be done, with nodes in maya allready. Note tough a multi buffer writer suffers for m cartain samplimg problems unless you design carefully what you pass to teh main buffer.
  • janimatic

    janimatic said over 19 years ago:

    fantastic! I have been waiting for this MRforMaya compatible version ! Thank you very much I just wonder why alias don't do this kind of things themselves?

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